Time passes, life moves on, and every time you look at your side you realize that there are people walking with you. People you would die for. People you would kill for. People that you know, deep inside, that will be there forever. Or, at least, until death do us a part. I am not talking about marriage. Marriage can be done and undone in a few instants. You just need to sign a paper. But Friendship? You don’t sign a contract to become someone’s friend, maybe that’s why it’s so difficult to make friends for eternity. But once it’s done... It’s just relax and enjoy the party.
You don’t find friends on the market. You can’t just go in a store and find exactly the kind of person you wanted to as your friend. They don’t come with instructions. If you want a friend, a real one, you`ll have to fight hard. You`ll have to give blood and tears, share blood and tears. You don`t need to be at your friend`s side all the time, you may just see your friend once a month. But they know that if they need you, you will be there. Doesn`t matter if you are a ocean away or across the street.
You give the moon for a friend if they ask you to. You cry with them when they are sad, or laugh with them in a moment of happiness. You don`t forget a real friend, doesn`t matter how much time passes, how much people appear in your way, how much you grow up. That`s the beauty in all the fairy tales. Not the prince charming that will end up with the princess. But the people who are there to help them to have their happy ending. What would have been of the snow white without the seven dwarfs? What would have been of the hero without the people to support him? What would have been of any person in the world if this person hadn`t had a friend? I can answer that for sure. Nothing. I would be nothing without them.
When you are a kid and you don`t have anything to worry about, even then you make friends. People you can play with, people you can fight with, people you can learn with. You start growing up and your life began to change, your priorities began to change. But still you have your friends. Maybe now you don`t want to play Barbie with them, maybe you don`t want to use your toys, or your teddy bears. You can trough them away, but you don`t do the same with your friends. You start to understand that you can tell them your secrets, your hopes, dreams and ideas. Sometimes you do fight with them, sometimes you get mad with them and say that you will never talk to them again. One day passes, a week, and when you barely wait, you are at their door, apologizing for being such an idiot and asking them to forgive you.
And life goes on, you meet new people, you make more friends, but you never forget the ones you had, nor the ones you still have. One day one of your friends start dating, and you get insecure, you start feeling jealous and thinking that they will forget you. Soon enough you discover it isn`t true. You discover that there is space in your friend`s life for a boyfriend/girlfriend and for you too. And you discover that your friend needs you more than ever. When she/he are sad, when they want someone to get drunk with, when they just need to be sure that there will be someone there, after all.
And you discover, soon or later you will discover, that people comes into our lives for a reason, and that doesn`t matter how your stories end, you know they have re-written your, just by being your friends.
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