Friday, 20 September 2013

I thought you said you would never let go of me
I thought you said I could never be replaced
But hurt as it might, deep down I know
Our friendship has changed.

What once was is now but a memory
And all the plans we had, all the promises we made,
Are now nothing but ghosts,
For our lives have changed

I tried to hold on to the pieces of the past
But they kept falling through my fingers like sand
As a painful reminder that everything has an end.

I tried to let go of you,
But the ghosts of the past keep crawling back,
Sneaking their way in and never letting go of me.

Past and future keep me chained where I am,
Trapped in a tug of war between what was and is
And every time it seems like one might finally win
The other pulls back and in the middle I stand.
And as my mind begs me to let go of it
My heart, full of memories, begs me to keep trying.
And it’s thinking of forever that I’m stuck

Never even knowing whether to follow brain or heart.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

It's like you're casting me aside and I don't even know why.
Did I say something I shouldn't? Did I do something wrong?
It's like the bonds that brought us together are breaking
And you don't even realise that.
Is our friendship worth fighting for? Are you willing to try?
Or have you truly replaced me this time?
Can't you see that I'm trying? Can't you see that inside I'm crying?
It seems like we've been friends for forever and ever.
Then why do I feel like I don't even know you anymore?
Why does it feels like you no longer know who I am?
It seems like you've cast me aside now that you have your new friends.
It hurts that you seem to be always too busy for me.
I thought friendship was more than that.
I thought we were more than that.
It's time you made your stand.
Please let me just be awfully wrong.
It's time we said our goodbyes
I just want to thank you for saving my life.
Everything was so much darker before you came by
So thank you, for guiding my path.

It's funny how much I changed because of you.
You asked me nothing and simply accepted
You never once thought me silly
And whats more important, you gave me friendship.

Photographs show a time that once was
And the battle of a girl completely lost.
And though nowadays I'm mostly found,
We never really forget the ones who touched our heart.

Thing is, though you might not even remember me,
I assure you I will never be able to forget.
And I hope someday I'll see you again
Just so I can finally thank you properly for all you did, saving me.

Monday, 8 July 2013

River Song.

I never liked endings
Yet I saw yours before the start,
And it was trying not to love you
That I completely lost both my hearts.

You're always here to me
And I always listen
I can always see you.
My wife. My love. My Melody. My Song.

Had you known from the start,
Would you do it all again?
Because it was saving my life
That you ended up condemned.

Spoilers of our lives,
Neve quite crossing on the right timeline.
Our stories were backwards.
And our fear the same.

The day we would look into each other's eyes
Knowing that the other had no idea who we were.
No idea what we meant for one another.
I would no longer be your Doctor.

Hello sweetie,
I loved you and I always will.
And it's because I love you
That I said "Until the next time, I'll see you."

Doctor Who?

Okay so, I've spent the last month watching the last seven seasons of Doctor Who and I can honestly say it's one of the best shows I've ever watched. I'm now in desperate need of a sonic screwdriver and thinking bowties are cool and craving for fish fingers and custard. Waiting for my mad men with a box to show. To have somebody come to me, grab my hand and yell RUN. To fight an army of Daleks with 9th and to fall for Tenth knowing his heart belongs to Rose. And to go somewhere with Amy Pond and the last centurion to save the world. To kick ass with River Song and to save Eleventh's life with Clara. To take Madame Vastra's one word challenge and listen to the song of the Ood. To swim over Tenth's insanely fabulous hair. To be yelled at by Donna. To be on the Tardis being controlled by the Doctor, The Other Doctor and Donna Doctor. To help Martha Jones save the entire planet. To avoid paradoxes and get in trouble. To follow the doctor when he tells me not to. To wander off. I want to turn the impossible possible. Too meet Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, The Beatles and Jane Austen. Anywhere in time and space, not where we wanted to go but where we needed to go. To live inside the Tardis Library. And most important, to be the doctor's friend.
It's like I'm giving up, but I haven't even tried.

Friday, 14 June 2013

You left me once,
And it felt like all the light had been stolen from me
Every breath I took was a battle to remain alive
And every second felt like eternity.

But now you're back, I'm whole again.
The open wound in my heart starts to fade away.
I saw you and felt the sunlight wash my face
You're my light, my safe place.

But as the days pass by,
I feel we're only drifting further apart.
And the truth that try to hide and deny
Is that I know you want to say goodbye.

I can't stand the thought of you walking away
You left me once and it was like after the hurricane
Everywhere I looked, only darkness and sorrow
And I can't stand the thought of tomorrow.

All the stupid songs talking about love
They're nothing but a fantasy hiding behind the truth that's so cold.
And whoever said saying goodbye was the right thing to do
Doesn't know the pain of a broken heart, a shattered soul.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

I've lost you
I don't know how it happened, no why
I just wanted you so badly.

Now there's an ocean between us
But it would be ok,
Had I only known your name.

I know you and you know me,
From inside out, deep down.
But the outside, which shouldn't matter this much,
Is unkown for both of us.

You're so nice, you're so cool
And a boring monday night
Became an amazing chat.

You're a figure without a name,
A wonderful shadow that travel in my dreams
How can I have you back?
Will I ever be able to talk to you again?

Cupid, you bitch.

E essa é mais uma obra do amor... Esse cupido maldito e caprichoso que mimadamente brinca com nossas emoções, sem se importar com nada além de sua própria satisfação, ele segue fazendo estripulias, segue agindo como uma tormenta em noite de lua cheia ao invés de uma cálida chuva primaveril. Esse diabinho que nunca sossega e que só deixa uma pessoa em paz quando acha que deve. Esse sentimento bizarro, que consegue complicar o descomplicado e apaziguar qualquer controle de emoção.
Ah, cupidozinho travesso, que se recusa a ser ordinário. Por que tivestes tu que me lançar sob teu feitiço? Por que, oh maldito, tivestes a ousadia de me por em tuas garras, as garras do amor?
Tenho medo de ti, coisinha descarada, e ainda assim sigo amando. Tenho medo do que podes fazer-me, criatura tirana, se puseres-me uma vez mais no caminho da dor e da solidão. Amei uma vez, será que não te lembras, terrível criatura? E não queria amar novamente. Mas fizestes pouco de minha vontade e, graças a ti, temo sofrer novamente.
Chorei e sofri por ti, mas me recuperei quase que completamente, agora fujo de ti, e é ai que me pegas novamente. Não quero mais viver contigo, oh bruxo traiçoeiro, mas não sei se posso resistir por muito mais tempo. Oh bicho maldito, por que me enfeitiçastes? Cupido desgarrado, fica escondido nas sombras em busca de sua próxima vítima, e me atingistes.
Oh amor maldito.
It doesn't matter what I really feel,
Pain and suffer will never let me go
But, if you are by my side,
I'll have a reason to stop crying.

There's no reason to hide
Everything I feel for you
Just as I should say,
I fear even more for feeling like this.

My hope and dreams reborn more and more
But my feet struggle when I try to raise them
Because they're afraid they'll destroy
Once again what was supposed to be my heart.

There's nothing noble in all this.
As I have to keep quiet, hiding what I feel
And, at the first opportunity I scream
"I feel an emptiness!"

And in the end,
No matter how far I go
I know I won't regreat
For I've suffered, I've lived.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Finding your Always.

It’s in the hard moments, the sad moments, the moments of desperation that you get to know who’s there for you. Who’s standing right there with you. Who really loves you. It’s not about the fun and games. It’s about the risks, about the bombs triggered to go off. Life comes back to you in a flash, eh? And what are the moments you’ll be reminding, who are the people you will be thinking of? Who are you gonna call to tell you love them? Who’s voice do you want to hear right before it’s over? Who’s face do you want to see? Do they love you enough to be there with you no matter what? To stand there with you? To take your mind off the awful reality and bring a smile to your face even in the darkest of times? Because that’s what it is all about you know. Not having regrets. Not double guessing actions. Not thinking if only. The little things. The big things. All the things. Every glance, every smile, every act, every word, every kiss, every Always. Because everything counts. Everything matters. Everybody matters. Every second of every day. It should be spent with the people who will stand right there with you.  They were right, you know? It’s not about the victories, it has never been. Because there are no victories. Only the battle. And the people who will stand there with you. Willing to fight with you. Willing to fight for you. Even when the enemy you’re facing is yourself. Specially when the enemy to be faced is yourself. And even if they have nothing else to do they’ll be there only so you’ll know they are there. Only to hold your hand, even if they can’t turn on the light, or a flashlight, or a candle, or a match. Plenty of fires could be taken down with a single word. With  a single look.
The hard thing is to find these people. The ones who’ll be with you no matter what. The ones who’ll be standing right where you stand. The ones who will make Always be every day. Because they will love you for who you are. They will love you in spite of who you are. And it’s not that they’re afraid of the stand, but because there’s no backing down on love.
They hold your hand and they’ll keep on holding forever.
And if you ever find somebody like this…. Don’t you ever let go.
Not even for a second.
Be their Always.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

What wouldn't I do for you?

Why is it that me missing you seems like such an impossible idea?
Why does the knowledge of my feelings for you cause you nothing, my dear?
Why can't you believe that I love you more than anything?
I know I'm not so right at being wrong
But if you look into my eyes you'll know there isn't a reason to fear.
I've told you time and time again.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.
And I no longer seek personal gain
Only your happiness, you know it's true.
But life is clearly against us today
So maybe tomorrow the realisation will finally come to you.
I am willing to wait, we both know "later" can be any day.
You've changed me, you've made me whole. 
And my love for you will never grow old.
I've given you all, during peace and war.
But you've hidden yourself behind your wall.
I've given you everything you ever asked for.
Because, my love, what wouldn't I do for you?

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Light my way

The same nightmare comes and goes
That same dark room that is now so old.
And the screams, so loud, that come from within.
I'm all alone in this haunted inn.

The voices tell me what I should know
And I live in fear, for I've lost all control.
Of who I am andwhat I may be
And in the darkest moments my enemy is me.

I close my eyes not wanting to fall asleep.
It's a heartless fight and one I cannot win
For tiredness comes and knocks me down
And finally, I dream and I know I'm lost.

I'm lost, I'm lost but you somehow found me.
I'm scared of what may happen but you bring me the courage.
I tried to put the pieces together alone but now I can see
We are just lonely when we wish to be.

You hold on to me and nightmares are gone
You're the light that guides my way home.
A love so strong that ignites my soul.
And I smile for deep down I know I'm no longer alone.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

To this day.

I'm not exactly sure I can find the words to express just how much this video and the reality of it has affected me so I'll just put it up here and let you have your own reactions and feelings.
But I would like to point out a couple of passages that I thought were very important, to everybody, actually, no matter if you've suffered anything like that or not. And tbh I would have prefer nobody had had to suffer like that. Because nobody deserves to be treated like this. Ever. And to feel like they're less than  what they're worthy. We aren't. We're great. We're perfect in our own way. Fucked updness and all. It's what makes us who we are.

"And if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself get a better mirror. Look a little closer.  Stare a little longer. Because there's something inside you that made you keep trying in spite of everyone having told you to quit."
"We are graduating members of a class of we made it."

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Today is the international day to celebrate love. As I was looking for something nice to share with you all on this special day I came across things that I thought would be worth sharing. 
Valentines day is a celebration of love. All forms of love. Love for other people or even things. Love for nature. Love for yourself. Because it's only loving yourself that you'll be able to open up enough to love another being. Celebrate today. Tell somebody that you love them. That they matter. It can make a change even if you don't see it. 

So long.

Meet John, the sprinkles thief. :P

Okay so this is something completely random and utterly adorable and funny. haha hope you guys enjoy it.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Les Miserables - the 2012 movie.

Warning: This movie WILL make you cry.

So, I watched this movie this weekend and I've been meaning to write this since then but I needed some time to put my feelings back together. Those of you who have, like me, read the book before watching this movie will probably be as happy as I because they were faithful to it (as long as I can remember. Though I must confess I read Les Miserables 5 years ago). It's a heartbreakingly beautiful story that makes us think about everything, specially our own lives and how we have been living them. Anne Hathaway rocked as Fantine, specially on the incredibly sad moment in which she sang "I dreamed a dream". And man, did that brought me to tears. Let's face it, in total I cried 8 times. Which is a remarkable accomplishment because I don't think I've ever cried this hard in any movie, ever. 
They managed to tell the story beautifully with really great songs and a cast to match everything else. So yeah, the movie was great in every single way. And a musical like musicals should be. I don't really have to say that I absolutely loved it, do I? Thought so. Anyway, I'm trying not to give any spoilers so I'll keep it short. 
Those of you who haven't watched it, you should. It's a movie worthy all the awards.
For those of you who have... You can always watch again. Like I am going to. ;)
And read the book. Because the book is just as good. 

A little sneak peek. ;)


Monday, 28 January 2013

You know, I never thought I would say that, but... I don't miss you. Truth be told I barely even think of you nowadays. And even so, it's 
with fondness and some melancoly. You were my best friend. We've known each other for 9 years and even though we weren't always the best of 
friends, we were always good ones.It's weird to think of the way we went together. How much we changed 
together.I know you would be hurt if you read this. Me not missing you. And you would blame it on my new friends. But it's not them, it's not their 
fault. I didn't find somebody to replace you. As I'm sure I would never be able to, even If I tried. But, you see,  close to the end... 
You weren't there for me and I simply got used to not having you around. At first I was afraid I was acting like her, when she left us 
both. But it's different. We know it is. I didn't just walk away. I gave you reasons, I talked and I tried to make you understand. Even if 
you can't.
I hope you find somebody who will be able to be there for you and  that, because of what happened to us, you are able to be there for 
her. I hope you understand that it's not because you're messed up. It was never because you were messed up. I was messed up long before we 
met. Being messed up was a part of who we were. One more bond between us. What made us who we were and who we are now.
I confess that I feel a pang of guilt when I think of the way it ended and sometimes I have to control my need to text and see how you are. 
But I was right to tell you to back off and I'm glad you respected it and didn't fight for me. I may have done it for the wrong reasons, 
with a wrong timing. But they were my reasons and there were the right ones too. But I didn't want to set blame or you hating me. Nor end up 
hating you. And I really don't regret it.
I do regret, though, not having realised before that I was your person, even though you weren't mine anymore.
I don't miss you and never think of you. And we both know that's a lie.
I hope you find the peace of mind and happiness you need, someday.

Friday, 18 January 2013

One wish.

It sucks that I'm watching two people who may be in love with each other not get together because they're too scared to let the other person know. Love is free. Love is a gift. It shouldn't be a burden. It should be embraced, not hidden. And fuck the consequences. Risk it, risk it all. Love is too precious to be wasted in doubt, insecurity and fear. Don't waste it thinking of if's and maybes. They're not worth it. Love is worthy, though. Love is real. Love is the most powerful force that exists. It's the force that moves us all and brings us all together. Put yourself out there. Give the first step, no matter how scared you are. Take the first step because life's too short. And the world's a scary place. Take the first step because it's worthy. Love is worth fighting for. Love's worth risking everything. Try and try again. And again and again. And fall and stand up only to try once more. Fight. Even when you think it's hopeless. Even when your life's so fucked up you can't even think straight. Even when you think you're unworthy. You aren't. You deserve it. You deserve it all. Even if you don't see or realise it. Don't wait too long. Don't let it pass by. Don't hope the love will ease with time. Not without trying first. Not without giving it all you have.
There's so much to be offered, so much to be done, so much to be cherished. It's so great, so brilliant. Why can't either of you see it? Why can't either of you just go for it, just embrace what you have? It's so beautiful. Shouldn't be denied. Love should never be denied. Never be taken as an obligation. Never be faced with fear. 
So embrace it. Embrace love. And risk it all. Don't look back. Don't overthink. Just go for it.
And you'll see it will come to you.
Love will always find you wherever you go.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

List of books to read/finish reading for the next month.

So far the books I have to read (finish reading)
- Born in Ice - Nora Roberts
- Born in Shame - Nora Roberts
- I am number four - Pittacus Lore
- The power of Six.- Pittacus Lore
- The rise of Nine. - Pittacus Lore
- I am number four, the lost files - Pittacus Lore
- Casual Vacancy - J.K.
- Temptation of a proper governess - Cathy Maxwell
- Dark Swan - Richelle Mead

I'm back!

After almost a week alone taking care of childrens that do not belong to me (thank gosh, I should add) They're finally gone and I've already managed to study a bit so I'm pretty sure I'll manage to catch up on everything. It feels so weird to finally be able to hear my own thoughts again, but damn, I'm so happy for it. haha. Anyway, time to also work some more on new posts and see how some of the ideas I had over the last few days work out.

So long,

Monday, 7 January 2013

A family of my own

Sorry I haven't posted anything on the last few days, but I've found myself having to take care of twin 10 years old and a 14 years old girl. And they'll be here for a while. I'll probably be even more away now that one of the kids is sick and I am now having to learn how to be a nurse. Uh, not the end of the holidays I was hoping for but oh well.
I basically have three kids to call mine, for the time being. Lot of responsability for a girl, I gotta say.
Hopefully I won't kill any of them. Nor myself.

See ya.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Make mistakes - Neil Gaiman

Little note

Okay, so, just to warn you all off.
In case you hear anything about, I don't know, a girl (me) committing suicide or massive murder of family members or whatever... It's probably true. Unless I find out my mother was joking (highly unlikely. Mother doesn't joke) or somebody has the heart to save me.
And it means I lost what little of sanity I had left.
It was nice. Living. Being free.

See you all in the other side.

Hell awaits me. :P

Friday, 4 January 2013

Damn you. Damn you for bringing it all back again. For making me want somehting we can't have. Damn you for saying always the right thing and opening old wounds. I love you and I would do anything for you, but you're not hte one for me. And believe me when I say I wish you were. I am sorry I caused you pain, but I suffered too, in every step of the way. We lost our chance, and believe me, we did have a chance,but you said it too late. I don't regret any of the things I said, the same way as you told me you don't regret telling me you loved me, still do. I can't give you what you want. Damn you for making me feel like there's a hole inside me. An inability to feel. An inability to love. Damn you for telling me I was the one. The only special one and making me regret not feeling exactly the same way about you. For telling me we could have been great together. Damn you for being right. Damn you for making me feel so special, but yet so sad and unworthy. You are the better person. You have always been the better person. My light during the darkness. My calm during the storms. The glimpse of sunlight after every long lonely night. Damn you for being the perfect guy. For being the best of the best. In every single aspect.  Damn you for being always there. For making me feel so good to have you around. I was always myself when I was around you. And I was never hurt. Damn you for being my safehouse, for being my rock.
Damn you for being in love with me. For complicating every single thing.
And damn me. Damn me for not being able to give you what you needed. Damn me for not feeling the things you needed me to feel.Damn me for breaking your heart when I ran away, and not giving us the chance to be the best we can.


Time passes, life moves on, and every time you look at your side you realize that there are people walking with you. People you would die for. People you would kill for. People that you know, deep inside, that will be there forever. Or, at least, until death do us a part. I am not talking about marriage. Marriage can be done and undone in a few instants. You just need to sign a paper. But Friendship? You don’t sign a contract to become someone’s friend, maybe that’s why it’s so difficult to  make friends for eternity. But once it’s done... It’s just relax and enjoy the party.
You don’t find friends on the market. You can’t just go in a store and find exactly the kind of person you wanted to as your friend. They don’t come with instructions. If you want a friend, a real one, you`ll have to fight hard. You`ll have to give blood and tears, share blood and tears. You don`t need to be at your friend`s side all the time, you may just see your friend once a month. But they know that if they need you, you will be there. Doesn`t matter if you are a ocean away or across the street.
You give the moon for a friend if they ask you to. You cry with them when they are sad, or laugh with them in a moment of happiness. You don`t forget a real friend, doesn`t matter how much time passes, how much people appear in your way, how much you grow up. That`s the beauty in all the fairy tales. Not the prince charming that will end up with the princess. But the people who are there to help them to have their happy ending. What would have been of the snow white without the seven dwarfs? What would have been of the hero without the people to support him? What would have been of any person in the world if this person hadn`t had a friend? I can answer that for sure. Nothing. I would be nothing without them.
When you are a kid and you don`t have anything to worry about, even then you make friends. People you can play with, people you can fight with, people you can learn with. You start growing up and your life began to change, your priorities began to change. But still you have your friends. Maybe now you don`t want to play Barbie with them, maybe you don`t want to use your toys, or your teddy bears. You can trough them away, but you don`t do the same with your friends. You start to understand that you can tell them your secrets, your hopes, dreams and ideas. Sometimes you do fight with them, sometimes you get mad with them and say that you will never talk to them again. One day passes, a week, and when you barely wait, you are at their door, apologizing for being such an idiot and asking them to forgive you.
And life goes on, you meet new people, you make more friends, but you never forget the ones you had, nor the ones you still have. One day one of your friends start dating, and you get insecure, you start feeling jealous and thinking that they will forget you. Soon enough you discover it isn`t true. You discover that there is space in your friend`s life for a boyfriend/girlfriend and for you too. And you discover that your friend needs you more than ever. When she/he are sad, when they want someone to get drunk with, when they just need to be sure that there will be someone there, after all.
And you discover, soon or later you will discover, that people comes into our lives for a reason, and that doesn`t matter how your stories end, you know they have re-written your, just by being your friends.

"There are probably a hundred good reasons why we shouldn't run into this, but only one very good reason why we should. Life's too short. And we have found the most incredible love. Why shouldn't we just reach out and hold on to it?"

Curse's to love

Comes dark,
The sun's gone.
And as fall approaches
My path's doomed.
For I've been cursed
To a point of no return.
There's no escape cause I know:
My curse is to love.
Looking to the sky I see
A falling star
Telling me that I need to be
As bright as they all are.
Then so I shall
Shine even brighter than before
For I, differently from them all,
Shine for love, and even more
For loving you,
My past, present and future
As I've been cursed to do.
If I fall, will you get me? If I make a stand will you be willing to stand there with me? If I went to jail, would you get me out? If I were surrounded by darkness, would you be my light?
Close your eyes and think of me. What do you see? Is it love that you feel? Whenever you look into my eyesm whenever you see me smile. Can you tell the difference between love and desire? Do you think you're able to fight for me, even if just for a little while?
Would you bring me coffee even if I didn't deserve it? Will you be my partner no matter what I say? Would you take me into your arms and just hold me tight?
Hello blue eyes, I've been waiting to hear you say Always.
Am I still a one writer's girl? Am I still your muse, your inspiration? Will you still be the Alexander who will save my life? Are you still the writer boy who has stolen my heart? Will you be the one holding the hammer that will break my wall? Can you hear what I say,even when I say nothing at all?
Is it too late to say I love you? Whatdo I need to do to have you back? I was never as good with words as you are. 
You were always there for me, even when I was too stubborn to see. And now that I finally found out how much I need you, I have lost you.
I need you to be my light. I need you to be all right. 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

My heart isn't mine anymore,
It's yours.
Take it and do whatever you want to
It's free.

I don't need you to love me back.
I just ask, if you please, accept it.
You're still free to go, whenever you want to.
I'm just saying my heart is going too.

I used to dream about when it would happen to me
And falling in love for real
Is way better than in any dream.

I want to love you,
To comfort you,
To show you how wonderful it is to be loved,
While you let me.

I want you to be happy
Even if I have to let you go.
Because I love,
I really do love you.
My head is spinning
Full of the words I should tell you,
Full of the dreams I had for us.
And the love I have.

I tried to forget you,
But my heart beats faster when I hear your name
And I can still feel the pain
Of knowing our story had to end.

The numbers I love so much
Didn't help me to figure out
The reason behind
Our screwed up relationship.

We had our chance
But wasted it
Now all I have left are memories
And the throbbing pain of my heart.

Loving you is painful
And I hate you for that
But I hate you even more
For not hating you at all.
The Gods watch
While we play the dice
And wait for somebody to catch
The wicked wind.

The stars shine
Waiting for a new beginning
While they hear the voices
Of a thousand people pleading

The angels now cry,
When once they would sing
For they where betrayed
For someone they so fervently admired.

Rain falls fast,
As heavy as it can be
And I wish it won't cast
Any type of spell on me.

The darkness swallows everything
You can see the flash of lightining
And you know they're punishing
Those who have dared to leave.

Happy New Year!

So, it's said the new year is a time for new resolutions, goals. New dreams. What have you all set your mind to do?
I hope whatever it is, you succeed. Take the risk. Every single one of them. You may end up hurt, but knowing you tried is so much better than never having taken the chance.
Have an awesome 2013 everybody.

I started my year in paradise and was hit by a firework during the turn of the year. Let's see how the year goes from now on. :P


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Wishing it was you

I feel the sun caressing my skin,
Heating up my body
And can`t help wishing it was you.
Your hands, your arms, your heart.

Stranger arms holding me,
Trying to make up for it.
But all I ever want is to be
Inside your arms, it`s all I need.

I see couples holding hands,
Exchanging kisses or the simplest of smiles
How I wish it were you and I.
In our together loneliness.

I see your name light the screen
Of my phone and I cannot hide the silly grin
For all your messages are like a dream
And it makes me feel like you were here.
Even if for a little while.

It makes me happy when I hear
Your voice against my ear.
But in my heart, I know it`s not real
And sadness sometimes overcome the joy.
I wish you were here

You are the sun, I am the moon
For I only shine when I`m with you.
You`re the rainbow, I`m the storm
You`re every way and without you I`m lost.

You`re everything I've ever need
And my love for you goes so deep
That even in my dreams
I dream of loving you.

Thaís Neves