Okay so this was going to be a pretty much detailed description of my first week here but I got lazy halfway through so I'm just gonna post what I did write and make a short text some other day about the first month. Sometime xD
Excuse any mistakes, I was doing it on doc xD
The trip started with the flight from Recife to Frankfurt being two hours late, since the system went down for a few hours, making check in impossible. While in the airport I met some of the people who I had been talking on whatsapp for months. The people who were to travel with me. After the plane took off, we had a 10 hour marathon and since it was an overnight flight, I ended up not sleeping more than about half an hour total.
Arriving in Frankfurt two hours late I had already missed my connection so I had to go and have my flight rescheduled, which gave me no mora than 20 min to go through passaport control, imigration and going to the next gate. I'm not sure whether or not you've ever gone to Frankfurt's airport but let me tell you this: it's bloody huge. It's like on the top 10 biggest airports in Europe or around the world or whatever. It's like a small city. Anyway, this girl and I had were going to take the same flight so we decided to stick together. We basically ran through the airport and did everthing we had to do in 15 minutes. It was a mad race. To the point where while passing the X-Ray the guy there was like "somebody is in a rush" and I said "yeah. My flight takes off in 15 min".. Once I told him my gate he just turned at me and said "you're not gonna make it." But hey I did make it. Barely.
Anyway so we took the flight from Frankfurt to Berlin and getting here my dear friend was waiting for me. Which, let me say, was simply adorable. Right, so before that we were waiting for our luggage and it never arrived, so after getting out we went to the lost and founds and then some other place to say that our luggage was lost and stuff. They took our addresses and numbers and gave us a protocol number, saying our luggage was in Frankfurt but would be sent to us that same day, the next one in the latest. The four of us (because there was another brazilian in our flight) then shared a cab to the hostel.
The place we stayed was actually pretty cool, they had free wifi and a pool table along with a bunch of other cool stuff. We checked in our room and went out after some food, finding an actually really good place to eat. A big enough meal for two, though since we didn't know we had to fight our way through the plate, giving up no more than halway through which was when we found out we could take the rest to go. Making that our dinner, as well.
Iso and I went back to the hostel to drop some of the stuff and then she showed me around a bit of Berlin's Mitte. Damn the place is beautiful. It's a big city but not exactly as the ones I'm used to in Brazil. And the buzz of voices around and signs of world wide known brands made it seem like we could've been anywhere in the world. Although the cold did say it was nowhere near the Equator line. And full of people from all places. It was really cool. Anyway we browsed some stores, we went in a bookshop (You can take a girl out of her country, out of her world, you can even take the books away from her... But you will never be able to take her away from the books.) and I was really happy to see there were some books in english too (yay me). Anyway we finally parted ways, Iso and I, I mean, at the hostel since it was getting late and she went home. I went inside and met up with the brazilians who were there (There were loads of us) and we sat at the "common room" to socialize with one another and drink some beers and soft drinks and whatever and play cards and be loud. When I finally got to sleep it was way past 3 am, Germany time, making it like over 24 hours of not sleeping. Woke up the next morning and we went out as a small group to do some sight seeing, we ended up going to the Bode-Museum, which was pretty cool, and then I went back to the hostel to try to talk to my grandparents while the others went to another museum. Later on I went to Alexander Platz with a bunch of people and ended up getting lost on my way back. It was, now when I look back, pretty hilarious. I got home and they wanted me to drag me out again, to a nightclub or something, but I refused to go... Until I rested and ended up going anyway. After all, you gotta enjoy it while you can, right? So we tried to go to this place but we didn't manage to get in. For no other reason than: Berlin nightclubs have guys at the doors, not exactly security but sort of, and they choose who goes in and who doesnt. Apparently I wasn't cool enough to go in... Or maybe it was the fact that I was with two other guys in my group, and not girls only. Anyway we went back to the hostel and we did a bit of a party in the common room again, until I went upstairs to sleep.